I was a user of MacHider, and it was a great app, doing what it said, so when when Hider 2 came out I thought I would upgade and see what the new features were.
BAD Mistake, I “hid” a large folder >100 GB and it worked for a day or so then the “vault” became corrupted and it wouldn’t open.
I of course contacted tech support, and to give them credit they were very resposnsive, sending me a new version which as first didn’t work, then after a a few emails, a few days and a few attpemts to unhide/unencrpty (each attept took > 10 hours) and going back and forth I was finally able to get the data back.
LARGE Caveat of using this software, while having these issues I checked out the manual and it does say that to encrypt/decryot it may take as long as copying the data !
If I would have known that I would never have even used it in the first place (yes maybe I should have read the manual but really who reads the manaul for a simply utility)
They may have fixed the bug, but afer that I can no longer trust the software. I really only wanted to to hide the folder from prying eyes I didn’t need to hide it (encrypt it) from the NSA!
So I have since removed the software and would never use it again
Sorry MacPaw, but this ones’s a big miss
Billre about Hider 2: Encrypt and Hide, v2.0.1